雞蛋 – 3 隻
芝士(切丁) – 60 克
紅蘿蔔與番茄碎粒 – 4 湯匙
粟粉 – 2 湯匙
黑胡椒 – 少許
鹽 – 少許
- 把紅蘿蔔與番茄放進慢磨養生機磨碎。
- 將所有材料連同磨好的蘿蔔番茄碎一起放入大碗中打勻。
- 準備煎鍋,加入牛油,將蛋液倒入煎鍋,用小火煎並蓋上蓋子。
- 煎至表面稍微凝固後,翻轉再煎,蓋上鍋蓋,再煎5分鐘,煎至凝固即可取出,切片享用。
Molten Cheese Tomato Cake
Eggs – 3 pcs
Cheese (diced) – 60g
Grinded carrots and tomatoes – 4 tbsp
Cornstarch – 2 tbsp
Pepper – little
Salt – little
- Run the carrots and tomatoes through the slow masticating juicer.
- Mix all the ingredients including the grinded carrots and tomatoes in a large bowl.
- Pour the mixture on a frying pan with a handful of butter over low heat, then cover the lid.
- Turn over the cake when surface get solidified, cover the lid and fry for another 5 minutes. Slice the cake and serve.