無鹽牛油 – 65克
黑朱古力(54%) – 130克
紅糖 – 90克
雞蛋 – 80克
低筋麵粉 – 50克
榛子(切碎) – 70克
酸忌廉 – 45克
牛油溶液(掃模用) – 少許
- 在兩個17厘米×8厘米蛋糕模上薄薄掃上一層牛油溶液。
- 朱古力切碎,加入牛油,置熱水上坐融。低麵粉篩勻。把酸忌廉打滑,備用。
- 以高速將雞蛋及紅糖打至淺啡色。加入朱古力牛油拌勻。
- 加入酸忌廉拌勻,再拌入已篩麵粉。最後加入榛子拌勻。
- 先按預熱鍵預熱。把麵糊平均放入蛋糕模,抹平。放入蒸焗爐選擇強蒸烤180℃模式烤30至35分鐘,食前切成細件。
Unsalted butter – 65 g
Dark chocolate(54%)- 130 g
Brown sugar – 90 g
Egg – 80 g
Cake flour – 50 g
Hazelnut(chopped) – 70 g
Sour cream – 45 g
Melted butter – little
(for greasing the mould)
- Grease two 17cm×8cm baking moulds with melted butter.
- Chop the chocolate finely, add in butter. Heat it over hot water until dissolved. Sift the soft flour. Beat the sour cream until smooth. Set aside.
- Blend egg and brown sugar in high speed until pale brown. Add in the chocolate butter and then mix well with a spatula.
- Fold in the sour cream and then the sifted flour with a spatula. Then add in the chopped hazelnut and mix well.
- Preheat the oven. Put cake mixture into the cake moulds, high steam in the oven for 35mins with 180℃. Cut into small pieces before serving.