Privacy Policy Statement

Notice relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance

Team United Group (HK) Ltd is committed to ensuring the privacy and security of the personal data it holds. We aim to meet this commitment by implementing the principles and requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“the Ordinance”). This Privacy Policy Statement is intended to explain our privacy practices.

Collection of Personal Data

“Personal data” refers to any data which directly or indirectly identifies you as an individual, or is capable of doing so. We collect and use personal data that we believe is necessary to conduct our business with you. The types of personal data we collect may include, but is not limited to contact information such as:

  • your name
  • email address;
  • mailing address;
  • telephone number;
  • fax number;

Use of Personal Data

Your personal data may be used for the following purposes:

  • Providing products, services and support, or performing transactions related to the operations of us;
  • Conducting checks regarding eligibility for membership, horse ownership or services;
  • For marketing, promotional and customer management purposes, such as sending you offers and promotions (please see further details in “Direct Marketing” below);
  • Meeting the requirements to make disclosure under the company’s rules or bye-laws relating to the our core operations and any law binding on us; and
  • Facilitating communications between you and us.

We may from time to time also use aggregate non-identifying information about our customers to better design and improve our products and services that we offer. This information will not identify any individual in particular.

Direct Marketing

Team United Group (HK) Ltd intends to use your personal data for direct marketing carried out by us, and for such purposes your personal data held by us may be provided to our entities or business partners for their use for direct marketing. The intended kinds of personal data to be used and the intended classes of marketing subjects are specified below. However, we may not so use or provide your personal data unless exempted by the Ordinance or we have received your consent.

For the above direct marketing use, we intends to:

  • use your name, contact information and demographic information; and
  • market or promote the following classes of products, services, support, and related events and activities offered or arranged by us or our entity.

You can always opt-out free-of-charge by contacting us if you no longer wish any of your personal data to be used in any of the described direct marketing purposes.

Disclosure of Personal Data

Personal data supplied to Team United Group (HK) Ltd will be kept confidential. However, we may disclose such data to or such data may become accessible or known to employees, agents, service providers and consultants of Team United Group (HK) Ltd who provide services to assist in fulfilling the purposes for which it was collected. Your personal data may also be provided to our entities for fulfilling the purposes for which it was collected (subject to any consent requirement relating to “Direct Marketing” above), and to our business partners for direct marketing use as described in “Direct Marketing” above. Other disclosure of your personal data will only be undertaken after we have obtained your prescribed consent, or as may be required by law.

Data Retention

Unless there is a specific legal requirement for us to keep the data, we will take all reasonably practicable steps to erase your personal data that is no longer required for the purposes for which the data was originally collected.

Commitment to Data Security

Team United Group (HK) Ltd is committed to protecting the security of your personal information. We use a variety of physical, technological and organisational measures to help protect your personal data from unauthorised or accidental access, processing, erasure or other use.

Changes to the Privacy Policy Statement

We will post on our website at any changes to our Privacy Policy Statement, so that you will always know what information we gather, how we might use that information and whether we disclose it to anyone.

Access to and Correction of Personal Data

You are entitled to request access to personal data held by us about you and to correct such data. In accordance with the terms of the Ordinance, we may charge a reasonable fee for the processing of such data access requests.

You may direct your request in writing to:
Unit F, 25/F Blk 1, Vigor Ind’l Building, 49-53 Ta Chuen Ping St., Kwai Chung, Kowloon, Hong Kong
OR Email to us

Cookies Policy

What is Cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of data being stored in end users’ web browser by websites for future identification. It can help us to recognize you and to customize your online experience. Unless a user informs us of his/her identity (e.g. logging-in as a member), we will not know who the user is.

How we use Cookies?

Necessary Cookies

Cookies are being used on the core features of the site (e.g. searching of hotels). These cookies are necessary for our site to function properly.


Remember your preferences

We also used cookies to store your preferences (e.g. language, searched data, visited webpages). These cookies are not strictly necessary for the functioning of the site. However, it helps you to use our site conveniently.

You can check, stop or delete cookies by sitting the cookies control in your web browser.

Visit for more information of cookies.

Effective Date﹕15 March 2012
Updated Date﹕17 February 2015